Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Steffan. The Evacualtion

As my mum was kissing me goodnight, I heard a loud knock on the door, it sounded like a big grizzly bear was thumping on the door desperate to get inside for honey. My mum and I raced downstairs to open the door, as my mum turned the key and pushed down the handle, the door slid open and we saw a soldier in Khaki he was in his mid fifties and had a large moustache right over his mouth big enough to swallow a rainforest.''Come in'' my mum said with a pleasant, welcoming voice. ''Madam do you realize what is happening at the very moment'' ''yes of course I do, Britain has declared war on Germany, those ignorent scums'' my mums voice had angered now. ''Madam, your child has not yet been evacuated, I need you both at the station nine o'clock sharp''. He then walked away like nothing had even happend, then my mum slammed the door with all the force she had and burst into tears. the drops fell down like a monsoon storm. Instead of trying to make her feel better (I knew it wouldn't help it) I then went upstairs and went to sleep.

I did not get any sleep last night , I could not stop thinking about how life would be like away from home, would the people be nice or mean. My mum woke me up at six, my heart was thumping like a thousand mad bulls. I was to nervous to even touch my breakfast. I was only allowed to take five things with me, I took, my faourite book Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, a pair of clean clothes, a model toy car made of wood, a deck of cards and last but not least, a picture of me and my mum so I would always remember her. ''Time to go'' my mum shrieked, I looked around my bedroom one final time, then I went.

It was half an hour walk to the train station, we arrived there just in time, I kissed my mum goodbye and told her everything was gonna be okay, I then got onto the train, I sat in the same compartment as three other other boys who where my age. I waved my mum a final goodbye, I felt like jumping of the train but I realized it was for good of things I stayed.

 We played cards, us four boys, I was amazed that they did not know simple and common games such as Go Fish and Flapjack. After playing cards we talked about who we where we and where we came from. Their names were, Will from Portsmouth, Jack from the middle of London and finally James from Liverpool. The trip lasted four and a half hours, by the time we got to the station, I realized I had to go further into the country, however Jack and Will got off at the station.

The rest of the trip lasted six hours, once a nice lady came in and gave us a bottle of water and a bread roll which we wolffed down hungrily. By the time we got there it was very late at night, a police warden showed me and James and several other kids to our new homes. I was the last one to be shown my home, it was a large, baige coloured house with so many windows I lost count. The warden knocked on the the door and out came a tall elegant lady with a small round man on her right. ''Come in'' the lady said with a pleasant, welcoming voice almost like his mother. This was my new home.


  1. From ziad

    EBI: You write what you felt like in the new house but still very good piece of writing.

    WWW: I liked the part where the loud knocking sounded like a grizzly bear was knocking for honey. (Great simile)

  2. I like the sentence 'I heard a loud knock on the door, it sounded like a big grizzly bear was thumping on the door desperate to get inside for honey.'

    from monica

  3. I really like the small paragraph

    As my mum was kissing me goodnight, I heard a loud knock on the door, it sounded like a big grizzly bear was thumping on the door desperate to get inside for honey. My mum and I raced downstairs to open the door, as my mum turned the key and pushed down the handle, the door slid open and we saw a soldier in Khaki he was in his mid fifties and had a large

    from Ariana
