Wednesday, April 27, 2011

War Declared - By Laura Nixon

It all started when i was doing my daily chores while listening to the Sunday morning radio.
"And now a word from our priminister..."
"I am speaking to you from the candidate room of number 10 downing street, this morning the British ambassador handed the German government a final note, stating that if he had not heard of them by 11:00 then they were prepared to withdraw there troups from Poland a state of war would exist between us, i have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been recieved and that consiquently this country is at war with Germany."
I froze and dropped the broom...
I ran downstairs as quick as a grey hound! I rush over to my mum.
"Whats wrong darling? You look like you've just raced a cheetah!"
"Theres a war between England and Germany..."
I said slowly. My mother froze as stiff as a statue.
"Mum, are you alright?"
"Yyyyyes ddddddear."
She answered in a shakey voice. I feel really scared now because my mum has told me all about World War 1 and how she got evacuated!
"Will i get evacuated? Will i get taken away from you for the rest of my life? Will you stay alive? Woulden't i..."
"Enough questions for now, we need to get you evacuated, and quickly."
"Nooooooo! I don't want to be evacuated!!"
I exclaimed in a rush.
"But you have to go otherwise you could die if you stay here in London!"
"But you could die too!"
I screamed at my mother.
"Well your going wether you like it or not!"
My mother shouted at me at the top of her voice.
"Now go and pack you bag."
She said while trying to calm down.
"Alright Mother."
I said politely while trying to calm down.
"Oh, by the way your only allowed to pack five things in your bag."
Mother said quietly.


Chuu chuuuuu!!
We faintly see the smoky outline of a train. I give my mum probably the last hug i'll ever give her in my life. A tear falls from my eye. I say goodbye and then slowly step onto the train to get evacuated. A tear rolls down my cheek onto the ground.
"Goodbye mother."
I say while tryingas hard as possible not to cry. The high pitch whistle blows. We are now leaving the station, i watch my mother fade away into the mist while slowly waving goodbye.
After 2 hours (which seemed like 2 years!) we finally arived at ummmm, i don't know.
''Hurry up children! Get off the train! Your all as slow as snails!"
Me and about 30 other upset and scared children get off the train and slowly watch the vast and smoky train chugger, chugger, chugger away.
"children, over here, i'm sorry i'm late. Just follow me."
We all slowly and carefully followed her to lots of different houses. At every tinsey house we went past the lady who picked us up from the train station would drop one of us off at each small house. Finally it was my turn. The lady knocked on the cracky wooden door. "Knock, knock, knock!"

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