Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Steffanoslearning journey

This year, was probably the best year of all years, I have been teached by the best teacher I have ever met, experienced a wide range of new skills such as using modern technology (laptop, etc) to do our amazing presentations, it was different but we have to prepare for the future and use forward thinking, I have learnt to learn in a fun way, and I enjoy every single second of the time, and have almost nothing to complain about. However if you only look at the bright side you misjudge some important things, like when we were learning about Edward De Bono and his six hats, the blue hat was the thinking hat and to think about what different kinds of thinking is needed, the red hat was all about feelings and emotions, the green hat was the creative hat to experience new areas of possibilities, the white hat was the information hat and to think about what the facts are, the yellow hat was the benefits hat to think about what the good points were and the black hat was the judgment hat to judge what was right or not. Mr. Ingham told us that we should focus on each of these hats equally in order to learn. This year I would not exactly say that we have gotten some new lessons, but instead of 45 minute lessons we now have whole hour lessons, At school I enjoy a equally balanced area of lessons, I adore history and mythology, I like math at certain points of view, and I enjoy swimming and PE because it keeps me fit and healthy, I have taken on running and I really enjoy it. Thus I have many areas which I still need to improve on for example Arabic which I find quite hard to remember, another one is writing which I find hard to use the VCOP for up leveling my writing. I have enjoyed lots of moments of year 5, like when I was chosen by Ms. Mehew to do the FINA championships. I also believe I have grown up and increased my IQ level; I have learnt almost all there is to know about space, I have also learnt many different ways of finding information from books, the internet and beyond. This year I have tried many new things but also some things I have done last year. I still do swim squad and I just joined the basketball team at the beginning of term 3. Next year I am looking forward for lots and lots of things I don’t have enough space to write it all. Next year I look forward to not only meeting my new teachers and friends I also look forward to learn new things that I have seen the year six doing. Adios

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