Saturday, June 4, 2011

My learing journey by Anas Larabi

  My favorite memory in year 5 will always be the bloodhound project, I enjoyed it a lot. I also enjoyed eco venture adventure camp which I learnt from a lot of stuff including making a fire and surviving in the desert. One of my favorite lessons is Topic, Arabic and Math’s. I enjoy topic most because we use lots of fun activity’s .The best after school club   is Formula One club where we construct a tiny car that has a can of gas that is at the end and boosts the car and we also design the car. We also sell stuff to earn the money of the car. Another memory that I won’t forget is Australia beach trip were me and my friends enjoyed our time. Now Formula one race is coming up and I am really exited about the race. The good thing that I enjoy is using the laptops. My target to achieve in in year6 is to get a 6c on term 2 and 6a on term 3.  My favorite moment of year 5 was Australia day beach trip. I am looking forward in year 6 is the sats. I would be pretty nervous because my friends would be in different classes. I have learnt lots of stuff this year throughout the topics like cool stuff and other useful things this year. The ways of that I have grown up in is self confidence. I am also looking forward to in year 6 is being the eldest at school and helping  other people through the year.    

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